Today in 1935 Huey Long was killed. Quite how and by who it is not clear. He was a political opponent of FDR.
Roosevelt’s New Deal usually has a good press as part of an attempt to help the USA recover after the greedy lunacy of 1929 and the Wall Street Crash. It is, however, possible to argue that the New Deal only worked because of war, which provided full employment. And we might remember that the USA was quite openly making money by supporting Hitler.
Instead of the New Deal Long was proposing a redistribution of wealth, Share Our Wealth it was called. When you redistribute wealth you also redistribute social values. I would say that Long was well to the left of Corbyn. And he was very popular.
Maybe it is worth remembering that under Corbyn the Labour Party became the biggest political party in Europe. It no longer is and today it is increasingly dependent upon donations from the super rich.
Might it be the case that if you make the notions of social justice and fairness popular somehow or other the Establishment will get you?
Revolutionaries had better become a bit more sneaky. What do you think?
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