Sir LINO (Labour In Name Only) is planning another purge. Now every Labour (sic) Party member who does not buy and devour the Sun, the Telegraph, the Mail and the Express every day shall be thrown out.
His new slogan? VOTE FOR THE SIC PARTY.
Meanwhile, his totally disgraceful attack upon Corbyn and his supporters is costing the Sic Party a few bob in legal fees. As the membership shrinks where shall those bobs come from? From the new D(OW)NO(E)RS.
Sorry about that, I was trying to combine ‘owners’ with ‘donors’ but it’s a trifle clumsy.
Nye Bevan? Out! Ernie Bevin? Out! Herbert Morrison? Out! Clem Attlee? Out!
Crossland, Crossman, the entire SDP Gang? Out! Far too left wing.
Blair? IN!
Please do not imagine that we would be better off voting for SIC LABOUR. A knife to the heart will kill us. Are we supposed to feel better as our assassin approaches with a dagger wrapped in a copy of The Sun?
Sunak gives us a Mini Shuffle while Sir LINO’s Party is having yet another bare knuckle punch up in East Leicester.
Meanwhile, Kate Pickett, joint author with Richard Wilkinson of the book, Spirit Level, reminds us of the massive research demonstrating that equality is good for all. The book was published in 2009 and totally ignored by Cameron and Osborne and company. They gave us inequality and Sir LINO offers more of the same.
What Corbyn offered was not some mad Stalinism. He was no more revolutionary than Maynard Keynes. In 2019 we were being offered restorative policies backed up by human rights. Today such rights are under threat while the gap between rich and poor grows.
Starmer is not a solution. Just the opposite.
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