When we set the problems on pages 22 and 23 we did not expect them to be so tough, so we sobered up our beautiful chess fanatic to work out the answers just for you…
White to mate (left): 1. Rd8ch Ke7 2. R(d1) d7 ch Bxr 3. RxB ch Kf8 4. Rd8 ch Kg7 5. Rg8 mate
Black to mate (centre): 1. Qe2 2. Rf1 NxR 3. Qc2 RxQ 4. BxR QxPch 5. Kh1 Qxh2 mate
(The key move here is Qe2, if RxQ then black mates on the back rank starting with Rb1ch)
Black to mate (right)
1. Qe2ch 2. RxQ Nh3 ch 3. Kh1 RxR ch 4. Rg1 RxR mate
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