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Topics: Cartoon

Snoop Dogg – Blazes up

Follow: Cliff Jones


“It will all be over by Friday.” A casual remark about the General Election in the pub just now. I thought of The Great War, “It will all be over…

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CHUMS – How a Tiny Caste of Oxford Tories Took Over the UK

By Simon Kuper (2022). Having done no preparation walk into your school (Eton, of course) or university (Oxford, where else?) debating chamber and amuse an audience by opposing arguments that…

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My review of Miko’s book written in 2014 The slight optimism that I felt then has evaporated

The General’s Son, Journey of an Israeli in Palestine By Miko Peled To paraphrase DH Lawrence, though Miko Peled writes of checkpoints and warfare, of wheelchairs and death, of humiliation…

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