So, who out there knew that there are ’14 Defining Characteristics’ to signal the emergence of a rising Fascist State, and that our Conservative government, right now, are ticking ALL 14 of those criteria?
To many this will likely come as no real surprise, as the Tories appear now to be all but using Hitler’s Mein Kampf as a ‘How To’ manual, rather than as something that should be reminding us all of how bad Fascism can be. Indeed, if you take the chance to read through Mein Kampf’s pages, you’ll actually find ‘Strong and Stable’ mentioned quite literally, along with the importance of the ‘Three Word Slogan’ in all propaganda put forth by the Nazi state at the time, and monstrously and regularly aped today by the odious and despicable Tories..
‘Build Back Better’ ‘Get Brexit Done’ ‘Hands Face Space’. It goes on and on…
And then of course there was Aktion T4, the Nazi program that sought to eradicate the German nation of what it called its economically unviable sick and disabled population, otherwise known as ‘Useless Eaters’ living ‘Burdensome Lives’, which itself saw the murder of over 250,000 souls in the name of saving the German taxpayers money, its parallel today hiding under the moniker of ‘Benefit Reform’, a sick, thinly disguised copy of the very same Nazi program, which itself has reportedly covertly killed over 120,000 of our most vulnerable citizens to date.
As if all of these hideous parallels were not enough to signal some very serious questions though, today the Conservative government initiated a plan that will give DWP officers police-like powers to enter and search people’s homes under the remit of their new Fraud Bill, and to arrest anyone that they suspect of committing a welfare related crime, whilst also encouraging more and more people to grass on anyone that they might think was a ‘Benefit Cheat’, which the Tories themselves like to refer to as ‘Appalling Crimes’ against the taxpayer.
Oh, if only they were as focused as this on tax avoidance and evasion by the wealthy. But sadly, no.
Where have we seen such powers before though you may ask, and if the word ‘Gestapo’ is coming in to your mind now in response then you’re likely not alone, because seriously guys, this is becoming more and more scary by the day, and it’s time now that someone actually called it all out for what it really is.
This is Fascism rising, pure and simple…
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