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Keir Starmer
By 36 votes to three Labour members in Tottenham governing council agreed a statement slamming their MP, David Lammy and his boss Keir Starmer, for their betrayal of working people in their…
Local election results confirm the failure of Starmer’s New Labour Project STARMER’S sycophants claim everything is fine, but it is now beyond doubt to everyone else that Labour is headed…
Fears and murmers abound on social media with Starmers outspoken critics (for there are many) who are asking why anyone should bother voting for a leader who can’t keep any…
Is it time to re-read THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT?
23 April 2022Is it time to re-read THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT? I listen to and read the words of politicians and struggle to connect politicians who profess Christianity with the words…
God help Starmer
31 March 2022A Priest offers spiritual advice to this troubled soul Dear Mr Starmer As an enthusiastic Zionist of the neo-liberal section, I doubt if you will take on board the teaching…
Have your say
2 March 2022Dear Mr Starmer, I was beginning to wonder if by electing you as leader of our Party that members had scraped the bottom of the barrel, but it seems that…
Labour’s second by-election ballot bomb
24 December 2021For a second time Starmer apologists have to dig deep in their book of unbelievable excuses to explain away a humiliating 4.2% poll performance. The Starmerites said that Labour’s catastrophic…
Member’s letter to Keith
19 December 2021Rev. Mike Larcey Dear Mr Starmer It is embarrassing, isn’t it? You have to admit that coming third in a bye election when previously Labour was second.. Considering the candidate…
“Keir Starmer strives like a medieval Puritan fanatic to purge anything resembling real socialist ideals. To this end, he has decided it is time to attack children and young adults.”