Fears and murmers abound on social media with Starmers outspoken critics (for there are many) who are asking why anyone should bother voting for a leader who can’t keep any promises to his members let alone the UK people.
But with the Tories still playing footsie with huge corporations and sellout companies will the UK be able to survive more years of the ultra conservative incompetent brigade!? – lets face it they have lectured the UK for decades brainwashing voters to think that the Tories are “fiscally responsible” and a “safe pair of hands” when in truth they are more corrupt than a moldy packet of Salmon with a belly full of e-coli.. and about as responsible as Frank Spencer buying a Christmas tree!
But the question remains – is it worth voting?. Personally for me I will think it through and I can’t advise anyone else what to do (barely can make up my mind myself!).. I am reminded that in the recent French presidential election nearly 10% of ballots were spoilt in a mass rejection of both alternatives.
But we must remember local elections do offer more alternatives and chances for independent parties and people; possibly that will be a way forwards for everyone.
So I guess we will all have to wait and see what becomes, but from comments online it looks like a good few voters wont bother.
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