Jesus wept I think he’s right for once (but not as he intends)
I was browsing the internet – skipping through random clips of audio on YouTube to listen to as I work on other things and the dreaded David Starkey polluted my audio waves! Dear god nooo! I admit I couldn’t listen to the whole post – his annoying elitism just grates me with pain; feel free to comment any parts that grab your blood and make you curdle.
In it we are treated to a strange view that Putin’s advisor Sergey Lavrov is some kind of towering intellect – we are told that Biden’s talk of regime change is dangerous but at the same time Putin’s own actions of regime change are whitewashed over as if they are of no consequence – notice Starkey has a bias here – shuffle to the right!
It was then as I listened, teeth grinding in pain as my brain melted with his toxic conservative logic.. to some more of the clip of his annoying vocal style loaded with lofty elite mannerisms when it occurred to me that he might just be correct in this occasion but not in the way he intended to point out.
Hi attitude in this clip is to take down the US President with a critical look at the recent speech where he suggested “Putin can no longer be allowed to stay in office”, while I listen to Starkey chunter along in his usual annoyingly dry way (did I already mention he’s annoying?); but the truth is Putin has been winning for a long time now and I dont see things changing soon – Putin knows this, let me explain:
Putin has worked hard to invest money in eastern European politics from Hungary’s president Viktor Orban and his government – to links to people on the far right like Marine Le Penn in France, the stunningly inept Liberals of ScoMo in Australia and Farage in the UK – these people mostly autocratic conservative types on the far right (the type that make your blood ice cold), but the point is Putin’s brand of ultra right nationalistic conservative outlook is here to stay – he has managed to flood the debate on the right of politics with his nationalistic / anti immigrant outlook while also fill the left of politics with his anti authoritarian attitude to the USA (rather ironic really considering his own activities).
And whether you believe he was partly responsible for Trumps run as President – you have to understand Putin’s links to Rupert Murdoch and Murdoch’s use of Fox News to hijack American politics – the ultra right and libertarian brew are here to stay.
Here to stay but also maybe to get worse, with their well connected and ultra slick marketing ideas being able to sell any batshit autocratic ideal to a working population – until we on the left and in the centre learn how to fight against these polluting political tactics – we will be stuck on the sidelines of destiny.
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