The hysteria about anti-Semitism against Jeremy Corbyn and the left would at least have been more forgivable had it been based on the likely threat posed, rather than on mere offensiveness. The reason that the threat was never discussed in any mature depth by the mainstream media was because it was plainly laughable to say there was any threat to Jews from Corbyn’s Labour. That would have required an open and frequent assessment of the real numbers involved – 56 out of over 500,000 – but also the seniority of those involved.
BBC’s anti-Semitism hatchet job debunked (VIDEO)
13 November 2021Watch and share ‘Reaching Over The Noise – Is Labour Really Antisemitic?’
Oliver Kamm hits new low by smearing Labour Young activists
2 September 2021“Zionists have always been ruthless and deceitful, and I have long suspected that they would happily slaughter new-born babies with their teeth if they thought it would help Israel survive another hour.”
Ten Labour Antisemitism Smears Exposed – reblog
27 April 2021“Oddly, the last part of Mr Williamson’s statement, where he talks about ‘addressing the scourge of antisemitism’, doesn’t get quoted. This is called ‘clipping’ — extracting words from a longer speech in order to misrepresent it.”
“Anti-Semite” is now just a swearword
16 December 2020“If ever there were proof that the term [anti-Semitism] no longer really means anything substantial or specific, this is it.”
“This issue of politicians displaying contempt-for-public and contempt-for-Parliament has not gone away. In fact, it is more pressing than ever.”
Starmer is starting to remind me of Theresa May – VIDEO
1 November 2020“Starmer’s cowardice is so extreme, I am reminded of Theresa May’s shockingly spineless behaviour during the 2017 General Election campaign.”
Vox Political: If political interference in anti-Semitism complaints is wrong, why was Chris Williamson expelled from Labour? – EXCERPT
30 October 2020written by Mike Sivier I called it at the time. Last year, Chris Williamson’s Labour Party membership was suspended amid false allegations of anti-Semitism. There was an investigation, the charge…
All bets are off, centrists. No more of your emotional blackmail will be tolerated –
30 October 2020“Somehow, the new Labour leader thinks that being far more aggressive, ruthless and malicious towards members of his own party than he has ever been in his entire life towards the Conservative Party, is the way to be an Opposition leader”