What’s left of the Labour Left is up in arms over the nigh-on instant sacking of its failed leadership contender, Rebecca Long-Bailey – probably one of the most naive MPs ever.
Without dwelling on her alleged offence it’s suffice to say Starmer found an excuse, little better than a lie, to sack his troublesome education shadow who was rarely allowed to speak, for backing the education union’s claim that it is too early for a return to school. Sacking her also found favour with the Right and Zionists. So an easy double whammy.
To everyone’s surprise, what remains of the Left in the Parliamentary Party and beyond, has finally located its long lost spine and complained through petitions and social media about the fit-up.

RLB (or as she is commonly known as RBL) is not complaining. Like the good schoolgirl she is she’s accepted her punishment, as she acknowledges that she accidentally ‘done wrong’ as even dim but nice Ed Miliband has told her, so it must be true.
In a mea culpa article in the Guardian on Monday ‘RBL’ like her judge, jury and executioner Starmer persists in conflating Jews and Israel and therefore sees any and all anti-Israeli comments as, by definition, anti-semitic, ridiculous as that is.
It’s an easy mistake to make for someone as naive as RBL who asked a meeting of Zionists what BDS was about! Based only on their explanation she pronounced the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign a “bad thing” and she was agin it.
Referring to actress Maxine Peake’s original comment RBL wrote: “she followed this with an inaccurate reference (which she has since apologised for) to US police learning tactics such as those that killed George Floyd from training seminars with Israeli secret services.”
RLB continues: “I know how painful the issue of antisemitism has been for the Jewish community and I have been part of the efforts to eradicate it from our party.”
What on earth is she blabbering about? She slides effortlessly from the Israeli secret services into ‘hatred’ of some unified, all-purpose, non-existent Jewish community.
In the days before Starmer, RLB was an enthusiastic supporter of the witch-hunting of alleged anti-semites, in truth just a new name for the Right’s favourite blood sport (explained in the leaked report) Trot Hunting or finding and expelling socialists under any pretext.
She, along with other alleged Lefties, egged on the party to discipline and expel such outstanding socialists and dedicated Corbyn supporters as Chris Williamson, Ken Livingstone, Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth among many others. Where were the party Lefties with their petitions and raised voices? Cowering under the bed many or nodding sagely having now seen the light such as Jon Lansman of Momentum and his NEC youth protege Lara McNeill.

The victim most likely to suffer the most in this latest act of McCarthyism is the actress Maxine Peake who RBL requoted. Maxine’s career could so easily be destroyed by Starmer’s claim that her comment was anti-semitic.
As Aaron Bastani of TyskySour TV said recently on one of its YouTube programmes, Maxine should immediately sue Starmer for slander. But as she has already begun to back away from her original comment this is unlikely.
It is worth noting that Starmer’s conflation of Israel and Jews has brought it’s own official complaint against him as confusing the two is specifically prohibited by the unfit-for-purpose IHRA definition of anti-semitism which is now the official Labour Party rule and has powered the witch-hunt.

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