63% of the electorate either voted to remain or could not be bothered to vote at all. Why should they have bothered to vote on what surveys told us was a non-issue and what the Act setting up the referendum made clear was merely an advisory activity?
By contrast the Act setting up the referendum on our voting system made it clear that the result would be binding.
Because they make much use of the word DEMOCRACY some people allow themselves to believe that it is something in which the Tory Party actually believes. It does not! It believes in having the power to maintain a society that benefits only a few. We look at the party and unless we are habitual self-deceivers that is obvious.
However, the Tory struggle for power is, at its most vicious, an internal one. John Major referred to Euro-sceptic cabinet colleagues as “The bastards”. Major was both cleverer and tougher than Cameron. He resigned as party leader and challenged his critics to stand against him. Only one did and he, Redwood, was battered. Yes, it was playground stuff, “Here’s my chin. Hit it if you feel tough.”
Cameron, who once told his tutor that he thought he would be rather good at being prime minister, had none of the nouse possessed by Major. Because his Party enemies often obsessed about immigration, instead of joining the slightly less looney conservatives in the EU Parliament he joined the ‘Totally Off Their Rocker’ group of right-wingers. He compounded this by instructing his Home Secretary, church going Theresa May, to be as nasty as possible to refugees.
Who was it, by the way, who multiplied vastly the refugee crisis by promoting the destruction of Libya? It was the man who thought he would be rather good at being prime minister.
In his book Cameron is very aware of the criticism that the referendum was really an internal party struggle for power. How does he deal with that criticism? By simple denial. He presents no argument. He tries a clever ploy. Politicians are very quick to assign blame to others. He blames himself. But he blames himself for being so innocent as to put his trust in Gove and Johnson. In other words, they are really the ones to blame. Sorry old chap, none of that washes.
So here we are, having had three years of non-government while the Tory government tore itself apart; while it declared war on the House of Commons; while it continued to destroy the Welfare State and the NHS; and while it covered up that an exercise had clearly demonstrated what we must do if hit by a pandemic.
Remember all those reports we were to be shown after the general election? If any of those reports had praised government you can be sure we would have been shown them.
Governments make mistakes. Since 2010 ours have specialised in nothing else. Why? Because the possession of power is all that matters to them. During the referendum campaign they sloganized SOVEREIGNTY. Who, today, has gained sovereignty? Those that suffer from the Bedroom Tax?
Must stop for now while I send Jeeves out for another bog roll.
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