My wife was born in the Liverpool Royal. It is still there, including the maternity ward. Yes, I can visit the ward where she was born. For years now the University has used the building which is in no danger of falling down. As a member of staff I used the building.
It was replaced by what locally is known as the New Royal. I have no idea how often I visited that building, which is full of world-famous practitioners, while Ada was there but clearly it suffered from a lack of ordinary, proper maintenance. I think that was privatised. It is falling down.
Out of the window of the room in which she was confined and died clearly to be seen was the New, New Royal. Unfinished it still stands there. Why unfinished? Because the contractor, Carillion, went bankrupt. Government knew they were going to go bankrupt but kept giving them publicly funded contracts to keep them going.
It goes like this. A company wins Contract A because they underbid all competitors. But they need more money to finish the job. So they bid for Contract B. And so it goes on until bankruptcy calls. Bonuses, however, are protected.
Outside the second successor to the hospital in which my wife was born is a huge begging letter to the general public asking if we have a few bob to contribute to what is needed to finish the building.
Today our government is proud to display photographs of converted buildings with lots of beds in them. We are supposed to call them hospitals and admire our government for erecting them.
For me each and every emergency hospital is yet more evidence of capitalism calling upon socialism to get it out of a mess. Who created the mess?
Today we are told that Tories love the NHS. Swallow that and you will die of indigestion.
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