A basic rule for schoolteachers.
Do not over promise and under execute. Do not tell the kids that tomorrow they are going on a trip to Blackpool and when tomorrow comes tell them that it is going to be a day of quadratic equations.
Our government keeps telling us that the school bus is ready, full of petrol with the engine revving. In fact, every day, the driver misplaces the keys.
The thousands of places on the bus are reduced over night to thirty. But, not to worry, in a short while they shall be millions.
I really do not expect perfection, whatever that is, from a government. But we are in the hands of lethal amateurs.
More clapping and fireworks in my road just now but can I be the only one smelling governmental hypocrisy? We clap and are supposed to forget that back in 2010 government declared war upon the very people we are applauding. I am sure that every member of this appalling Tory government very publicly applauds. In the name of the Blessed Karl never let me be caught clapping alongside one of them.
They can have the clap as far as I am concerned.
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