Dying In The Name Of What
My father and his elder brother Thomas Llewellyn were only 14 when they took part in The Great War. 14 was the school leaving age and then they went to sea. They were trained as gunners on merchant ships. Although officially Thomas Llewellyn died of ‘Spanish’ Flu he actually died of having a leg shot off by a submarine. Classifying his death as flu kept his name off the war memorial for the fifty years that it took my father to persuade the local council to add it. He was never counted among the war dead.
Life has a lot of classifying in it. Who decides how we are classified? What are the costs and benefits of these classifications? I know exactly how I would classify not only our government but also its role since 2010. I am not sure that Triumvirate is the best word to describe Cameron, May and Johnson because it implies three people working together. They were more a line of succession. Nevertheless, when it came to the fracking of society they were joined at the hip.
If we were in a library where might the Dewey Decimal system place this lot? Over the years the system has had to change to take into account social developments. Right now I don’t think there is a named classification for Dickhead Tories but clearly there needs to be.
When the death of my uncle was classified as due to flu it created a distance between real reality and official reality. Today I am very concerned that it is the intention of our government to construct such a distance.
To put it another way, who is to take the blame? So much effort is going into establishing a pro government story. That means the transfer of guilt. Have I been 100% obedient in following the instructions of our government? Er, perhaps not quite.
So its all my fault! Government incompetence can be brushed under the carpet. It never existed. We must live in a reality constructed by government.
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