Christmas greetings from a disillusioned Norfolk Labour Party member
Dear Keir
Thank you for your email and for your comradely greetings. I return similar greetings to you and your family. I believe your wife is Jewish, so please pass on appropriate greetings to her, Hanukkah, Festival of Lights.
Apart from the pandemic, it has not been a good year for you, Ms Rayner, Mr Evans and the anti-socialist members of the Party. Firstly, there is the purge of socialists which has driven a split within the Party. The right wing of the Party are calling for unity, when it was their Machiavellian strategies and tactics that undermined Mr Corbyn and others in his and their attempts to obtain social, economic and welfare justice in the UK. That you failed to call out the hypocrisy and did reward them, indicates your complicity. How in your right mind could you pay off those seven staff and the so called reporter who produced a lopsided, biased Panorama programme intended to character assassinate Mr Corbyn? Was it a pay off for services delivered? It is being pointed out that your leadership is antisemitic. Socialist Jews are being suspended and expelled from the Party. It is all political not racist. Someone with your intelligence can spot the difference between anti-Zionism and antisemitism. Therefore, the prosecution of socialists, whether Jewish or Gentile is a Machiavellian political act and you are up to your neck in it.
Then there was the fiasco of the EHRC report where the findings were twisted to suit political needs of neo-liberals and Zionists. Yet you have failed to deal with the ‘leaked report’ being investigated by Forde’s committee. What members are crying out for is truth not expediency. All this is a very poor display of leadership.
Let us consider the behaviour of senior members of your staff. They have tried to participate in threats, trying to close down Party democracy. Evans and Rayner have acted as though they were bouncers for you. As a result of their attempts to intimidate members, members are leaving in their tens of thousands. Many of these are setting up a socialist party that will shove your Labour Party into the shadows.
Your treatment of Mr Corbyn, one politician who puts service before status and the least likely to be racist, continues to be appalling. CLP after CLP are demanding his reinstatement despite Evans’ attempts to suppress discussion. Are you aware that there are growing votes of ‘No Confidence’ in you and your team?
On the opposite benches in Parliament, you are faced with the most corrupt, delusional, lying, arrogant and absurd Tory leadership team and Party. Your performance, rather than ‘forensic’, has been timid to the level of acquiescent. You get some decent points occasionally but you do not expose the corruption in the ranks of the cabinet: the billions of tax payers money filling the boots of friends of Johnson who are using the pandemic to cover up their antics. Do you realise that it will be ‘the many’ that will be made to pay off the debt accumulated by Johnson? Johnson is not just incompetent, he is also an ATM for the ‘few’.
I notice that the positive points you make are not due to politicians, but to carers, nurses, doctors, researchers, shop assistants, refuse collectors, police, paramedics, fire people, train and bus drivers, lorry drivers. Where are you in all of this? All these above will be the ones that have to pay for Johnson’s generosity to his pals. And then there is the impending cost of Brexit which you had a hand in creating: by proposing to an EU hostile North a second referendum, misinterpreting what Mr Corbyn intended (work out a deal with the EU and put that to the electorate). Was that part of your and the right wing (pro-neo-liberalism) strategy to oust him?
So, I am awarding an ‘F’, an ‘unsatisfactory’.
Mike Larcey
South West Norfolk CLP
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