Skimming through my Twitter feed today only to be reminded that we live in a 2 teir world of privilege for the elite and poverty for the poor – yes in the middle ground of society if you get a nice job you can do well for yourself but can we justify the last 10 years of political rule that have dropped so many inspirational kids and families into poverty simply because they were born into a disadvantaged background.
To build a strong economy you must build it up from the roots so that all in society can reach a higher standard of living – we should not be blinded by the political culture wars created by Conservatives to divide us; they do this purely so they can gain power and implement policies that benefit the 1% – the people and corporations who donate money to run their election campaigns (while the people left out are the ones who pay the wages from our hard work and tax).
Austerity isn’t a ‘failed experiment’. It’s a deliberate & very effective strategy for maximizing the transfer of wealth from poor to rich by removing regulations designed to protect workers, citizens, & the environment, & running down public services so they can be privatized.
@docrussjackson can be seen here
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