Hundreds of thousands of homeowners will receive vouchers of up to £5,000 for energy-saving home improvements, with the poorest getting up to £10,000.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak is due to set out a £2bn grant scheme in England for projects such as insulation as part of a wider £3bn plan to cut emissions.
The Treasury said the grants could help to support more than 100,000 jobs.
Labour said renters appeared to be left out and called for a “broader and bigger” plan to cut carbon emissions.
It comes ahead of a summer statement from Mr Sunak on Wednesday, in which he could announce changes to stamp duty and VAT.
Business leaders and a former chancellor have called for radical action to bolster the economy, which is still reeling from the impact of coronavirus.
Is Sunak following Keynes?
All this makes good copy for the Tory press but look who actually receives the money? Yes, you have guessed it, Tories with shares in the companies hand picked by this private school Blair tribute act. Rather than boosting the economy as Keynes advocated by public works, Sunak is simply boosting his Tory friends.
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