Today is the anniversary of the birth of the Empress Matilda or Maude, mother of Henry II. Depending which side you favour in that particular civil war she might be seen as the first ever queen of England (not Britain!). When her son took over she advised him. He gave England a sensible legal system. It was nowhere near as good as Welsh law which focussed upon justice but for the English it was a great advance.
And now we have Karate King Raab, another anti foreigner child of an immigrant. A solicitor.
There seems, however, to be more confusion than clarity today about the workings of our government. We had repeated statements that the prime minister would be back at work any moment. That went on while at the same time a hospital bed was being made ready for him.
Must they deceive us? Is deception part of their DNA?
Allocating blame certainly is. One minute they are bringing out of retirement thousands of Sir Humphreys and the next minute they are slagging off the civil service for our inadequate response to the virus.
One thing we can be sure of is that not one member of government will admit that from 2010 they systematically set about diminishing both the NHS and social services.
Michael Gove seeks to reassure us by saying that Johnson is receiving the very best treatment. Might that indicate that the higher your position the higher becomes the level of your treatment? Who gets the worst?
Henry II introduced the concept of Common Law which later gave rise to the concept of equity. The two concepts were not always good bedfellows but I believe they sprang from a belief that all should be treated fairly.
Fairness and equality are good bedfellows. That is why the Corbyn-led Labour Party recruited so many members, especially young ones. It is, however, the fundamental belief of today’s Conservatives that,
“For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.” (Mark).
In panic our government suddenly realised that they had to implement Corbyn’s manifesto. But it does not come naturally to them. I have twice clapped with others in my road to celebrate social and health workers. I shall not do it again. Why? Tory ministers have jumped on the bandwagon and sullied it.
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