How many of you have noticed your food doesn’t seem to go as far as it used to? Or you think it seems smaller though you can’t be sure?
Well the answer is the chances are your food is shrinking. Manufacturers have for some time now, been slyly putting less food into the packaging but not changing the price. They are scamming us.
Here are a few examples that I have noticed, though I am sure there are lots more.

Kellogg’s Cornflakes: There use to be a 750g pack, but last week I noticed they were now 720g. The supermarket’s own brand cornflakes were still 750g at the moment. I also noticed the size of the packet was on the top of the box rather than at the front where you could see it when on the shelves. I haven’t looked at the other sizes of cornflakes but I would imagine they have been reduced too.

Tuna: Tuna has always for as long as I can remember come in a standard size regardless of make. 185g. About a year ago I noticed the tins were now 160g especially the branded ones. There was not any noticeable difference in price. Then about a couple of months ago, I noticed the size had gone down yet again, this time to 145g. The tuna tins are gradually being made smaller, but slowly so that people don’t notice.
McVitie’s Jaffa Cakes: There were always 12 in a pack, but over the last few years there are only 10 now. The supermarket own brands still have kept 12 in their packs.
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