People came together to protest at this factory making weapons to kill people, including children, the elderly and frail in Palestine.
Each week people gather for the peaceful protest in the hope that one day Elbit will listen and stop making weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION. Stop selling weapons to Israel for them to kill innocent victims. Maybe they could make something that would be of good instead of to kill such as washing machines.
The people of Palestine are living as prisoners on their own land. They have to go through checkpoints which is controlled by Israeli Soldiers, They could be waiting for hours, even if it is when trying to get to hospital or work. They are forced out of their homes to make room for settlers from other countries, their houses are bulldozed regularly, often at night and only giving them a short time to get out. They have poor health facilities, the children are traumatised from what they have experienced from the Israeli government and soldiers. Whole families have been wiped out from Israeli bombs, children have been left orphans, parents left childless. The torture goes on.

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