It’s no surprise given all the focus the mass media gives to every health event these days; acting as if it’s the end of the world but customers in Australia have started to empty shelves with panic buying spreading. Many online commentators and trained medical researchers have taken to speaking out online:
Video and images posted online show people in Sydney hurriedly buying essential items such as toilet paper, leaving empty shelves in some supermarkets.
Given Australia’s close proximity to China it could be understandable for people to panic but still it seems that every few months there is another reason to hit the supermarket shelves in a panic.
According to one video, a delivery of toilet paper in one Woolworths supermarket store in Sydney ran out of stock in just 90 seconds.
The Sydney Morning Herald reported that other items in great demand include packaged snacks, pasta, rice and canned goods.
“It’s the new game in the suburbs for all the family – the great toilet paper chase with none in aisle 11 at Woolworths in Double Bay but plenty of chocolate Easter bunnies. “I think people are panic buying,” shopper Megan Borraccino said. “I found some in the chemist. Someone coughed and everyone moved back.”
“Toilet paper is one of the most in-demand items at Woolworths stores in Sydney, alongside packaged snacks, canned goods, pasta and rice, a Herald analysis of online household and pantry stock data at nine Woolworths stores has revealed.”
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