This is well worth asking your Tory friends: when you voted for Boris Johnson last year, did you know his policies came from the National Front? writes Mike Sivier
They’ll say they didn’t, of course – and rightly. I didn’t until I saw this, but then, I already knew that many Tory policies are fascist. I’ve been writing about it for some time.
Okay, you can quibble with some of it. The Tories haven’t scrapped overseas aid altogether – but they’ve cut it.
Rejecting the Common Market has been Tory policy since 2016, and Boris Johnson’s policy since before the referendum of that year.
And Priti Patel is busy enacting policies to stop immigration – policies that, as is now well-known, would have prevented her own parents from coming to live in the UK, if they had been enacted in the 1960s, before they came here.
But it is where we are in 2020. Not just the “plague year” but also the year when the UK fully embraced the fascism we were fighting, not so long ago.
And as one Tweeter pointed out
Source: Vox Political
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