I have no idea whether covid 19 is real or not. Whether it was man made, had mutated, is being exaggerated or understated. I would, however, like to point out the following observations:
Weapons of mass destruction were not found in Iraq despite the whole MSM telling us they were there. Corbyn’s Socialist experiment in the Labour party WAS crushed by the media in association with money poured in from the Government and friends of Israel. Julian Assange IS in prison for telling the truth. The USA IS the home of Capitalist savagery and their armed forces back this up with military bases in most countries in the world. This countries Tory Government ARE dismantling the welfare state.
I would also like to point out who this “pandemic” benefits: Big businesses like, Amazon, Microsoft, Google…and others that hold monopolies. These monopolies are being entrenched by Governments regulating on the virus.
Who suffer under the virus rules: Small businesses with little room for distancing customers, any place where people can meet to exchange views and experiences such as small local pubs, football grounds, universities, political meetings ETC. Starmer is the wooden manikin leader of a manipulative puppet party and history is at an end?
Worst of all is this “pandemic” has given an excuse for a worldwide roll out of digitisation. Press one for frustration.” Did you say you could not complete the form because you have a cough?” Your choices are herded into data that they can handle not human interaction. This trend has been happening for a number of years. The virus is making it compulsory.
I do not know if this virus is real. I suspect it is as real as just about every war ever fought in history. Governments, the rich and their media, slide us into these wars. They are the beneficiaries. The poor and vulnerable are ALWAYS the ones that suffer. Is this simply another of THEIR induced wars where there is no chance of stopping the leviathan that they have started. What I do know is the tide of history is washing us into a new dark age where freedoms are taken away to such an extent that we breathe a sigh of relief when the philandering misogynist in Downing Street tells us he will “give some of our freedoms back.”
Can the dive into darkness be stopped? Yes, easily. Throughout history people have been lied to by vain hubristic narcissists. The Human race has known this for a long time. The story of “the Emperor’s new clothes” explains perfectly the problem. Whether the psychologically perverted throughout history have inflicted pain on the rest of us in the name of Religion, Feudalism, Marxism or Capitalism makes no difference. Ideologies are used by people of the same mind set to control the rest of us. So, the answer is simply to stop these people having any lasting political power. A truly thought out democracy would be able to control the armies and corporations of oppression.
The answer is to limit the terms in office politicians can serve. This, unsurprisingly, is the only principle that has not been implemented from 19th century Chartism. We can then limit donations to politicians. Large donators want large favours. This is blatant corruption. No more paid for fact finding missions to the USA.
Our representatives should be picked to stand against each other from a random ballot. They should face each other on equal terms in an election then stand down after one term. This way they will want to make the world they have to go back to a better place. If we are to make any difference we all need to cooperate and do so with word of mouth and a printed media because everything digital can be turned off.
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