I actually liked Trump before he won the presidency in 2016 and still like old interviews of him. The caricature he’s serving the public since president is calculated PR, like Johnson here played the Brexit card to the middle earth heart strings.
But I see the empire going on as usual with or without him. Read “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by John Perkins — that’s the real workings of the empire.
And yes between Biden and Trump I’d vote for Trump. Between Trump and Clinton I advised against Clinton. She willingly and with psychopathic delight blew Libya to bits.
But the change isn’t significant between the two.
US presidency is about as real as WWE. And about as entertaining. Behind the stage they christen each other’s kids, you know.
In fact Trump may or may have not diminished international wars but US still has 2000 military bases worldwide and still routinely intervenes in any country that tries to stand independent: eg., Bolivia.
Trump doesn’t really believe in national sovereignty and reduced war, he pays lip service to that because he’s been advised it works. I’m not sure being a restrained pacifist is compatible with running a country in this world, especially a big bad empire.
First rule of fight club: don’t believe politicians’ declared ideology. Look at the facts, not what comes out of their mouths, which is a carefully scientifically calibrated speech devised by focus groups and Cambridge Analytica type companies.
National sovereignty doesn’t exist anymore in the globalized world. Trump talked about it to pull in a certain fragment of the vote, the nostalgic ‘Muricans.
Just like you can’t have socialism in one country, you also can’t have capitalism in one country. Capitalism itself is international looting, i.e. an enterprise of war. It was born out of colonization, which was imperial military theft under the guise of “trade”. IT’S STILL LIKE THAT NOW.
At least Trump is entertaining. Biden is a seedy cardboard cut out. but they both go backstage to collect their checks from the same guys.
And remember… we all live in America:
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