If you are fed up with greedy, grasping politicians only in it for themselves, right wing tabloids owned by the rich, and sick of social media censorship then the word is the paper for you. We are printing to start off as a weekly Sunday tabloid. There will also be a 16 page TV guide and a magazine. included in the price. You will be able to buy the word in all good independent newsagents.

We do not take advertising from big business or accept large donations so we are free to say it as it is. We are unafraid of being kicked out of any political party for telling the truth. Democracy cannot function without information and at the moment all we are getting is lies. Please help us by subscribing to get either printed or pdf copies of the paper.
We also need help to run the word. You don’t have to be a writer or editor to help us. You can help proof read, design, research, or simply send in news from your area. To contact us drop us an email to:

As Shakespeare said “fear no more the heat of the sun” or the lies of the mirror for that matter, not to mention the cowardice of the Guardian, or the made up stories of the express. Other than the morning star ALL the media are owned by big business and on the right wing. We are different.
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