Whistle blower Edward Snowden, who was famous for leaking in 2013 the extent of surveillance carried out by the US, said on twitter this was “Enormous”, and that “If they will do it in France, they will do it anywhere. Shut them down-ban the exploit trade”.
This was said in response to confirmation by France’s National Agency for the Security of Information Systems (ANSSI) that three French journalists had had their devices infected with Israeli spyware- Pegasus
Traces of the Israeli NSO Group’s spyware were found by ANSSI on the phones of Mediapart co-founder and president Edwy Plenel, Mediapart investigative journalist Lénaïg Bredoux, and a journalist at the French state-owned news channel France 24, according to Le Monde
Bredoux also spoke to The Guardian, saying that ANSSI’s confirmation “puts an end to the idea that this is all lies and fake news,” and is “the proof we need.”
Following a major investigation by 17 news outlets, it was alleged that Pegasus had been used by several foreign countries to spy on presidents, human rights activists, journalists and more.
Pegasus apparently had a ‘Wishlist’ of over 50,000 phone numbers of the people they felt needed to be spied on. This included President Macron and a French news outlet- Forbidden Stories.
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