With the colapse of the DUP support because of their disastrous backing of previous Tory governments over Brexit – Belfast is set for a new look government if given the chance. What appears to be success for Sinn Fein could be yet stalled if the DUP and UK Tory Government play this situation to extend the period of instability of politics in Belfast.
During recent years the DUP while Belfast’s leading party saw through a terrible Brexit agenda alongside the UK government of Theresa May, and following trade barriers that were a direct consequence of their own political actions.
Voters have chosen other parties while allowing Sinn Fein to maintain their previous seat count while increasing their own vote share.
What could be a good fix for N Ireland would be the rapid formation of a new working legislative headlined by Sinn Fein alongside other willing parties like the Alliance or the SDLP, but might be scuppered if the DUP and UK Government try to disrupt what could be the chance of a new start.
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