Trying to make sense of the government policy can be time consuming. And confusing
Some time ago the government admitted in court that it had broken the law when handing out contracts to (friendly) private companies to work for the NHS.
Today we learn that Boris intends to reverse Cameron’s policy which led to more local decision making AND to more privatisation.
Our Great Leader wants more centralised decision making. The assumption is that this will reduce privatisation. Might it?
At first I thought the admission of guilt in court might be linked to this latest policy change. But the work behind the policy change must have started months ago.
I strongly suspect two factors are at work here:
- The first is that by announcing a need for centralisation the government is placing the blame for poor Covid 19 performance on the NHS as presently structured. Placing the blame upon the shoulders of others is a governmental art form.
- The second factor might not be mentioned by our mainstream media. And it is, of course, my suspicious mind at work. But I believe that reducing the number of local decision makers working with and allowing relatively small scale private providers will enable central government to engage on a far greater scale of privatisation.
The record of this government shows its hatred of shared power. It does its best to avoid scrutiny at all times. It is hoarding power and I see no evidence of any kind of belief that public might be better than private.
Who donates to and keeps going the Tory Party? Ultra rich owners of corporations do!
But can they make a profit out of health? Of course they can. All it will take is for government to shovel money at them. It will be dressed up as investment in the NHS but in fact it is all about keeping their donors happy.
Just a small insignificant question: where does all this money come from? Our taxes! Time, perhaps, to reflect that poor people pay the same rate of VAT as Tory donors
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