In an astonishing case of puffery gone mad, Wednesday’s Daily Mirror carried a full page feature about the Labour nonentity filling the shoes of shadow home secretary.
The paper feebly attempts to present Nick Thomas-Symonds as match for Priti awful Patel in the “tough” on crime stakes.
Truth is Thomas-Symonds bears a passing resemblance to another evil Tory, ‘twelve-grand’ Robert Jenrick.
The tough on crime is a fake from the very start and completely misses the real story, this Oxford university historian’s amazing rewrite of history.
He kicks off by telling us his leader, Sir Keir Starmer, has made a “fantastic start” then reveals that the key to Labour’s future success is “building trust”.
You can talk about any of the last four elections we have not won a majority or come close to the 325 seats we need…
Barrister and former university lecturer Nick Thomas-Symonds
What about coming within 2,500 votes of winning in 2017 which would probably have been won if the party’s highly paid general secretary and his top lieutenants had not spent their time and members’ money working hard to prevent a Labour victory?
Then there are the years of open hostility to the leader from the right-wing of the Parliamentary Labour Party. All this is conveniently wiped from this historian’s memory.
And let’s not forget the catastrophic Clegg about-turn on Brexit which was spearheaded by his very same Mr Fantastic, Sir Keir.
Can you hear that, it’s the sound of laughter echoing down the valleys of Mr Thomas-Symonds’ South Wales constituency.
Who can be surprised that after his majority shot up to over 10,000 under Corbyn’s ‘disastrous leadership’ in 2017 he now he clings on to Leo Abse’s once rock-solid seat with a wafer thin majority of less than 4,000.
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