This last week atmospheric CO2 reached 424.4 ppm – it is a new record high in human history. We have to ask – is there any hope? The last time…
Become an MP – join the party, imagine having a part-time job on £84,144 a year plus expenses
2 May 2022Westminster is plagued with scandals every week and even day it seems lately but just what does it take to become an MP nowadays? – Lets take the Owen Paterson…
On the one hand, we have MPs breaking laws entirely to enrich themselves and to keep their gains a secret so no one is made aware of the intrinsic unfairness of the system allowing it. On the other hand, we have ordinary members of the public breaking laws to save the world from a crisis that is on the brink of ‘critical mass’
Tory donors rake in the cash from public coffers
7 February 2021