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Our latest issue – enjoy the read Read more in the PDF below – also you can download the PDF by clicking on the options menu beneath it.
The Word previous editions – download all previous editions from here.
Our latest issue – enjoy the read Read more in the PDF below – also you can download the PDF by clicking on the options menu beneath it.
Big F**k Off No – The main parties are simply liars and cheats Read more in the PDF below – also you can download the PDF by clicking on the…
Special Edition – Featuring the Hamas Israel war The crude, brutal power of men, left unchecked, destroys so much. The wisdom and determination of womanhood is urgently needed. Some of…
Special Edition – Free Julian Assange. Most people remember old Noah for building a big boat that bucked a flood. I find the story quite unsatisfactory, and wonder how he…
Featuring 24 pages of news the mass media don’t want you to see. Our lead story this month commemorates the 16th August 1819 Peterloo demonstration where thousands of innocent people…
Welcome to the latest issue of the Word featuring – Tepid tales of the torrid Tories. To think these politicians represent us (or just themselves!), its all just one Tory…
Welcome to the latest issue of the Word featuring – Tell all Tories where to go. Write – none of the above FFS! You can use our page reader below…
Welcome to the latest issue of the Word featuring – the UK government trying to take away your human rights while not telling you what they are doing – all…
60 years since the USA took the world to the brink of chaos over missiles in Cuba (which the USA already had similar missiles placed in Turkey equally near to…
It’s chaos at the pumps with predictions of more to come! – Gas prices to shoot up in October. It’s now “heat or eat for many”. PDF file size 20mb…