Tony Greenstein blasts more fake anti-semitism insanity In May 2019 Labour became the largest party on Brighton & Hove Council and took control. The response of the right was to make false…
“Did the Labour Party really think a carpetbagging candidate, that quite brilliantly managed to top a shortlist of one, who passionately supported Remain during and after the EU Referendum, and defended the murderous human rights abusing Saudi Arabian regime (following an £8,000 all-expenses-paid junket to the Kingdom) was ever the right candidate to hold on to a constituency that strongly backed the vote to leave the European Union?”
Will Labour ever be in government again?
9 May 2021Momentum are afraid to say what everyone knows – that the ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis was a gigantic hoax Tony Greenstein The Hartlepool by-election result was not unexpected, even if the size…
Labour leader says he will take responsibility if results go badly, as MPs warn of ‘apathy’ among voters: Guardian Here’s hoping, he completely fades away. Who’s next for the poisoned…
Hartlepool to give Starmer Labour a drubbing
5 May 2021Fewer than half of recent Labour voters in Hartlepool say they will back the party in Thursday’s crucial byelection, according to internal data based on the canvassing of more than 10,000 people,…
Awkward Keith, in his sharp suit, has been trudging around Hartlepool, dazzling the voters with his pint holding skills, Saudi Paul in tow, dreaming of his next visit to the House of Saud, so he can pucker up and kiss further Royal headchopping bottoms.
Original article written by Rachael Swindon (WARNING: Explicit language.) There is a real likelihood of Keir Starmer handing the Tories an increased majority if a general election were to be…
Ten Labour Antisemitism Smears Exposed – reblog
27 April 2021“Oddly, the last part of Mr Williamson’s statement, where he talks about ‘addressing the scourge of antisemitism’, doesn’t get quoted. This is called ‘clipping’ — extracting words from a longer speech in order to misrepresent it.”
A loyal Labour member’s letter to Keith
18 April 2021Dear Keir Tory sleaze, yes. But explain to me which is the greater sin: Tory sleaze or the demonization of the one decent politician whose integrity is beyond doubt by…
Deselected left-Labour stalwart stands as an Independent
11 April 2021John Edwards one of the few remaining left Sandwell Labour Party members has been deselected for May’s election after he criticised Keith Starmer for being “more in tune with Tories”…